Core functionality

Core resampling interface

resampy.core.resample(x, sr_orig, sr_new, axis=- 1, filter='kaiser_best', **kwargs)[source]

Resample a signal x from sr_orig to sr_new along a given axis.

xnp.ndarray, dtype=np.float*

The input signal(s) to resample.

sr_origint > 0

The sampling rate of x

sr_newint > 0

The target sampling rate of the output signal(s)


The target axis along which to resample x

filteroptional, str or callable

The resampling filter to use.

By default, uses the kaiser_best (pre-computed filter).


additional keyword arguments provided to the specified filter


x resampled to sr_new


if sr_orig or sr_new is not positive


if the input signal x has an unsupported data type.


>>> # Generate a sine wave at 440 Hz for 5 seconds
>>> sr_orig = 44100.0
>>> x = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 440.0 / sr_orig * np.arange(5 * sr_orig))
>>> x
array([ 0.   ,  0.063, ..., -0.125, -0.063])
>>> # Resample to 22050 with default parameters
>>> resampy.resample(x, sr_orig, 22050)
array([ 0.011,  0.123, ..., -0.193, -0.103])
>>> # Resample using the fast (low-quality) filter
>>> resampy.resample(x, sr_orig, 22050, filter='kaiser_fast')
array([ 0.013,  0.121, ..., -0.189, -0.102])
>>> # Resample using a high-quality filter
>>> resampy.resample(x, sr_orig, 22050, filter='kaiser_best')
array([ 0.011,  0.123, ..., -0.193, -0.103])
>>> # Resample using a Hann-windowed sinc filter
>>> resampy.resample(x, sr_orig, 22050, filter='sinc_window',
...                  window=scipy.signal.hann)
array([ 0.011,  0.123, ..., -0.193, -0.103])
>>> # Generate stereo data
>>> x_right = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 880.0 / sr_orig * np.arange(len(x)))])
>>> x_stereo = np.stack([x, x_right])
>>> x_stereo.shape
(2, 220500)
>>> # Resample along the time axis (1)
>>> y_stereo = resampy.resample(x, sr_orig, 22050, axis=1)
>>> y_stereo.shape
(2, 110250)


Filter construction and loading.

resampy provides two pre-computed resampling filters which are tuned for either high-quality or fast calculation:

  • kaiser_best64 zero-crossings, a Kaiser window with beta=14.769656459379492,

    and a roll-off frequency of Nyquist * 0.9475937167399596.

  • kaiser_fast16 zero-crossings, a Kaiser window with beta=8.555504641634386,

    and a roll-off frequency of Nyquist * 0.85.

These filters can be used by calling resample as follows:
>>> resampy.resample(x, sr_orig, sr_new, filter='kaiser_best')  # High-quality
>>> resampy.resample(x, sr_orig, sr_new, filter='kaiser_fast')  # Fast calculation

It is also possible to construct custom filters as follows:

>>> resampy.resample(x, sr_orig, sr_new, filter='sinc_window',
...                  **kwargs)

where **kwargs are additional parameters to `resampy.filters.sinc_window`_.

resampy.filters.get_filter(name_or_function, **kwargs)[source]

Retrieve a window given its name or function handle.

name_or_functionstr or callable

If a function, returns name_or_function(**kwargs).

If a string, and it matches the name of one of the defined filter functions, the corresponding function is called with **kwargs.

If a string, and it matches the name of a pre-computed filter, the corresponding filter is retrieved, and kwargs is ignored.

Valid pre-computed filter names are:
  • ‘kaiser_fast’

  • ‘kaiser_best’


The right wing of the interpolation filter

precisionint > 0

The number of samples between zero-crossings of the filter

rollofffloat > 0

The roll-off frequency of the filter as a fraction of Nyquist


If name_or_function cannot be found as a filter.

resampy.filters.sinc_window(num_zeros=64, precision=9, window=None, rolloff=0.945)[source]

Construct a windowed sinc interpolation filter

num_zerosint > 0

The number of zero-crossings to retain in the sinc filter

precisionint > 0

The number of filter coefficients to retain for each zero-crossing


The window function. By default, uses Blackman-Harris.

rollofffloat > 0

The roll-off frequency (as a fraction of nyquist)

interp_window: np.ndarray [shape=(num_zeros * num_table + 1)]

The interpolation window (right-hand side)

num_bits: int

The number of bits of precision to use in the filter table

rollofffloat > 0

The roll-off frequency of the filter, as a fraction of Nyquist


if window is not callable or None


if num_zeros < 1, precision < 1, or rolloff is outside the range (0, 1].


>>> # A filter with 10 zero-crossings, 32 samples per crossing, and a
... # Hann window for tapering.
>>> halfwin, prec, rolloff = resampy.filters.sinc_window(num_zeros=10, precision=5,
...                                                      window=scipy.signal.hann)
>>> halfwin
array([  9.450e-01,   9.436e-01, ...,  -7.455e-07,  -0.000e+00])
>>> prec
>>> rolloff
>>> # Or using sinc-window filter construction directly in resample
>>> y = resampy.resample(x, sr_orig, sr_new, filter='sinc_window',
...                      num_zeros=10, precision=5,
...                      window=scipy.signal.hann)